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Monthly Meeting: Native Plant I.D. and walk/Learn to Hike Smarter

We will have a native plant walk followed by a plant identification workshop.  Come see some early spring bloomers and get some tips on plant identification. Meet at Horn Rapids Park at the parking lot near the boat ramp (left turn at park entrance). The plant identification will be in Meacham Hall (right turn after park entrance - go past the campground and stay right to the gravel lot and building). Horn Rapids Park is off of Hwy 225 near the junction with Why 240 (NE of Benton City).

Bonus presentation by Laura Brazeal on how to hike smarter and farther. Learn how moving smarter can keep you moving longer and farther when out in the field. Get specific tips on how to reduce strain on knees and back while out exploring. Laura Brazeal is a personal trainer specializing in helping you feel great doing the activities you love. Her business is Mind Over Muscle and she lives and works in the Tri-CIties.

Note the earlier time and location change!